Important Diagrams


Human Digestive System

Human Digestive System - Important diagram for class 9 science

The digestive system is one of the most important systems in the human body. From an academic perspective, the digestive system is a topic that is often asked in the exams – either as an illustration, theoretical questions, or both. When it comes to drawing the diagram, it is moderately difficult to recreate the image. However, with enough practice, that hurdle can be overcome easily.

Male Reproductive System

Male reproductive system diagram

The male reproductive system is an important concept that is often asked in the exam. From an academic perspective, it is essential to learn about its structure and function as it forms the basis for one of the life processes – reproduction. When it comes to drawing the diagram, the difficulty is moderate. However, with enough practice, it can be recreated with ease.

Female Reproductive System

Female reproductive system diagram

Just like the male reproductive system, the female reproductive system is an important concept from an academic perspective. Hence, ensure that enough time is devoted to practising and perfecting the diagram. The diagram is not nearly as complex as the male reproductive system, hence, it does not need much effort to recreate the same in an exam hall.


Photosynthesis - Important Diagrams for Class 9 science

Photosynthesis is one of the most important concepts in Class 9 Science. Questions, many of which have considerable weightage, are asked from this concept. Naturally, the diagram of the process is also quite important to learn and recreate. The diagram can be created in many ways, for instance, as a flow chart or as a cycle. However, maximum marks will be provided only if the diagram is able to convey the message very clearly.

Cell Structure

Cell diagram - important diagram class 9 science

The cell structure is an important concept in Biology. It is one of the fundamentals of cell biology and forms the basis for more complex topics in higher classes. The diagram of cell structure is quite easy to recreate, though a little practise may be required. An important point to note is the cell organelles – ensure that all the cell organelles are incorporated in the diagram. A little shading may help secure more marks.

Nitrogen Cycle in Nature

Nitrogen cycle diagram for class 9 science

The nitrogen cycle is an important biogeochemical cycle required for all life on earth. From an examination perspective, the nitrogen cycle is a frequently asked topic – either as a theoretical question or a diagrammatic one. However, it should be fairly easy to comprehend the topic and recreate the necessary diagrams. The main diagrams of this concept are in the form of cycles – ensure that each and every factor is correctly interlinked with the other factors. Special care should also be given to ensure that the flow (or direction) of the arrows is accurate.

Carbon Cycle

Carbon Cycle diagram - Important diagrams class 9 science

Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants


Molecular Basis Of Inheritance


Human Reproduction




Biotechnology-Principles and Processes


Biotechnology And Its Applications


Parts of a Brain

Parts of a Brain - Class 11 Biology Important Diagrams

From an academic perspective, it is quite important to learn the various parts of the brain. When it comes to illustrating the diagram, it is moderately challenging due to the many folds and creases found on the brain’s surface. However, with enough practice, this shouldn’t be much of an issue. Moreover, ensure that you learn the theoretical concepts thoroughly as questions frequently arise from this concept.

Structure Of Eye

Structure Of Eye - Biology Class 11 Important Diagrams

Just like parts of the brain, the structure of the eye is an important topic for students to learn. The diagram encompasses the various anatomical parts of the human eye. Moreover, it is rather simple to draw compared to other structures on the list.

The Reproductive System of Earthworm

The reproductive system of the earthworm comprises of many small organs. These structures are moderately challenging to draw, but it shouldn’t be much of a concern with adequate practice. Do remember to label the small structures accurately though.

Plant Cell

Plant cell - Class 11 biology Important Diagram

The plant cell is one of the most fundamental concepts taught in class 11. Though the concept has been taught in earlier classes, the level of detail has increased. For instance, a lot more cellular organelles have been introduced, along with their shape and structure. Illustrating a plant cell is relatively simple as there are no complex shapes or structures to draw. Ensure that this particular concept is practised thoroughly as it is a frequently asked question in exams.

Human Lungs

Human Lungs - Class 11 Important Diagrams Biology

The lungs are the primary organs for respiration in humans and most other vertebrates. The lungs are found on either side of the backbone and between the heart. From an academic perspective, the lungs are an important topic for students to learn in their exams. Moreover, illustrating the lung should be rather easy due to its shape. Also, ensure that all the parts are labelled correctly.


Neuron - Class 11 biology important diagrams

Plant Cell

The plant cell is an elementary topic, and it forms the basis for more complex concepts in higher classes. Therefore, we must be familiar with the structure and its functions. A diagram of a typical plant cell includes many cellular components, ranging from the cell wall and cell membrane to the chloroplast and nucleus. This makes the diagram quite complicated to draw, but with enough practice, it becomes easy.

Cell Structure

Cell Structure

Animals and plants are composed of cells, and every cell may be quite different from an anatomical perspective but also possess many similarities (such as a cell membrane and mitochondria.) Drawing the structure of a cell should not be an issue – with enough practice, it should be rather easy. Even the cellular organelles present in the cell, such as the Golgi body become easy to draw. Given enough time to practice, even the various cell organelles become easy to illustrate.

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